Nembutal Peaceful Exit International is a leading end-of-life choices information and advocacy non-profit organization based in USA and Ukraine. Nembutal Peaceful Exit International was formerly known as the Voluntary Euthanasia Research Foundation (VERF).
Who is Peaceful Exit?
Most people refer to us as Peaceful Exit, a shorter appellation for Nembutal Peaceful Exit International. Peaceful Exit was founded by Dr Philip Nitschke, in 1997 after the over-turning of the world’s first Voluntary Euthanasia law – the Rights of the Terminally Ill (ROTI) Act.
Peaceful Exit is powered by her small but hard working staff and an active network of enthusiastic volunteers worldwide. Membership comprises mostly of (though not strictly limited to) the elderly. The average age of Peaceful Exit members is 75 years.
Exit’s principal activities include:
Exit Public Meetings
These meetings are open to all people. Public meetings focus on the political context of the Voluntary Euthanasia/ Assisted / Rational Suicide debate and the political history of a person’s right to choose.
Exit Workshops for those aged 50+ or whom are seriously ill
Exit Workshops discuss practical aspects of end-of-life choices focusing on The Peaceful Pill eHandbook.
Exit Private Visit Program
The Private Visit Program is a personal visit with an Exit counsellor.
Peaceful Pill Forums
Exit’s Peaceful Pill forums are an online community of over 6,000 members. The forums are exclusive (on approval) to Exit members and subscribers to The Peaceful Pill eHandbook
Nancy’s Friends
This is a one-on-one home visiting service designed to offer ongoing support and friendship to Exit members. These visits are designed for people who are considering their end-of-life options. Relationships are ongoing and can be tailored to meet individuals’ specific needs.
Local Chapters
Exit’s Local Chapters provide a contact point for members to come together and discuss their thoughts and ideas, friendship and information. Many chapters offer micro Coffee & Chat groups at the very local level.
Exit Webinars
Cutting through the tyranny of distance, Exit webinars enable members to have immediate and regular contact with Dr Nitschke and form and occasional lecture and Q/A series.
Research & Development
As a member you will receive an introduction into various end-of-life approaches that are reliable, peaceful and dignified. Exit R&D is focused on the forthcoming bagless gas system, gas flow control systems & drug testing, shelf life and storage.
Political Advocacy
Exit works with key influential politicians and parties to affect legislative change. Since Dr Philip Nitschke founded Exit in 1997, he has fought tirelessly for voluntary euthanasia law reform. He has stood in Australian elections twice as an Independent candidate for the Melbourne seat of Menzies. More recently, he ran on the Voluntary Euthanasia Party Senate ticket in the ACT and WA in the 2013 Federal election.
Dr Nitschke is currently Deputy National Convenor of the Federal Voluntary Euthanasia Party and is actively coordinating the VEP campaign for the forthcoming Victorian state election in November 2014.
Exit Publications
Newsletter publication, Deliverance printed six times a year highlighting all Exit news. Exit International USA is the publisher of the Peaceful Pill eHandbook.
The Exit Internationalist Email List
The Exit Internationalist is a regular Exit News email service.
Exit Conferences & Social Events
Exit will be holding an international conference on rational suicide in Melbourne and London in mid 2015. Details coming soon.
Need more information? Want to order nembutal online? Don’t hesitate to contact us.