Refractory Status Epilepticus (RSE)
When status epilepticus is difficult to control… When emergent
treatment is needed… When Step Therapy has failed…
An Effective Agent that Works to Control Seizures
- Delivers rapid onset of action almost immediately.
- Suppresses both convulsive and non-convulsive seizures.
- Halts breakthrough seizures.
An Excellent Choice for Seizure Control
- A recommended agent as cited in the 2012 “Guidelines for the Evaluation and Management of Status Epilepticus” from the Neurocritical Care Society.
- Appropriate for seizure control of adults, pediatric, and geriatric patient populations.
- While no adequate, well-controlled studies have been conducted in pediatric patients, the safety and effectiveness of nembutal in pediatric patients is supported by numerous studies and case reports cited in the literature.
- There is no evidence that suggests pediatric patients respond differently from adults with antiepileptic drug treatments.
- Pharmacokinetic differences, risk of adverse events, and syndrome specific treatment should be considered to optimize therapy for status epilepticus seizures.
A Time-tested Safety Profile for Seizure Control
- Does not contain a black box warning
- Preservative free and safe to use for patients with soy or egg allergies
- Does not present a risk of metabolic infusion syndrome.
Control the Dosing
Dosages of barbiturates must be individualized with full knowledge of the patient’s particular characteristics and recommended rate of administration. Factors of consideration are the patient’s age, weight, and condition. The possibility of overdose and respiratory depression is remote when drug is injected slowly in fractional doses.
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