What is Nembutal Used For?
The major uses of Nembutal sodium uses are: For short-term treatment for insomnia (most often used to help people fall asleep but not as useful in helping people stay asleep). Treatment of anxiety. As an anticonvulsant in emergency situations.
The rush for Nembutal during the past few years have made several people to ask the inevitable question – what is nembutal used for? Let us start by naming a few of the original and standard use of the drug before we proceed to the most recent use that has made the drug so important.
Uses of Nembutal
- Nembutal is used for procedural sedation or for use as a preanesthetic medication.
- Nembutal is used for sedation maintenance and to alleviate agitation and anxiety in patients refractory to standard therapy who are mechanically-ventilated.
- Nembutal is used for short-term treatment of insomnia.
- Nembutal is used as an alternative agent in the treatment of status epilepticus or for acute control of tonic-clonic seizures from meningitis, tetanus or chorea, ethanol withdrawal, eclampsia, or poisons.
- Nembutal is used for the reduction of increased intracranial pressure (ICP) in patients with traumatic brain injury (i.e., head trauma)
Nembutal for Euthanasia
The actual use of nembutal that has put it in the spotlight and made it a very popular topic of discussing for patients, doctors, legal authorities, action groups, NGOs etc is its use in voluntary suicide.
Pentobarbital can induce death when used in high doses. It is used for euthanasia for humans as well as animals. It is also used by itself, or in combination with complementary agents such as phenytoin, in commercial animal euthanasia injectable solutions.
In the Netherlands, the standard protocol for physician-assisted suicide is intravenously induced thiopental anesthesia, followed by bromide of alcuronium- or pancuronium-induced respiratory arrest. A concentrated oral solution of 100 ml containing 9 grams of pentobarbital sodium along with sugar syrup in a 20% ethanol solution is a standard solution used for self-administration by patient. The oral dosage of pentobarbital indicated for physician-assisted suicide in Oregon, US is typically 10 g in liquid form. This is considerably higher than the dose for the management of status epilepticus.
Order Nembutal Online
To order nembutal online for any of the uses stated above, proceed to our order page.
Use of Nembutal for Capital punishment
Pentobarbital has been used or considered as a substitute for other drugs traditionally used in the United States for execution when they are in short supply. Such use however is illegal under Danish law, and when this was discovered, the owner of the drug, Lundbeck, stopped selling it to states that practice death penalty after public outcry in Danish media. US distributors of the drug are forbidden by the owner to sell it to any customers, such as several state authorities, that practice or participate in executions of humans.
Texas began using pentobarbital for executing death row inmates by lethal injection on July 18, 2012. The use of pentobarbital has been considered by several states, including Ohio, Arizona, Idaho and Washington; those states made the decision to switch following shortages of the pancuronium bromide, a muscle relaxant previously used as one component in a three-drug cocktail.
In October 2013, Missouri changed its protocols to allow for a compounded pentobarbital to be used in a lethal dose for executions. On November 20, 2013, Joseph Paul Franklin was executed by the state of Missouri. He was the first inmate executed in three years in the state and the first to die by a single dose of pentobarbital.
Individuals under the influence of barbiturates often have the same issues with reasoning and functioning as individuals who are highly intoxicated from alcohol. This increases the risk for the person to become involved in accidents, to make poor decisions that can be potentially dangerous, and to engage in behaviors that are risky, such as having unprotected sex. Chronic misuse of Nembutal can lead to various dangerous events that can affect both physical and mental health in the long run.
Nembutal Overdose
An overdose of Nembutal can be fatal due to the drug’s ability to shut down areas of the brain that control breathing and heart rate. Individuals can fall into a coma and die, or they may survive but develop severe brain damage as a result of decreased oxygen to important areas of the brain.
Those who overdose on Nembutal often become very lethargic and confused, display significantly decreased breathing, and may become unconscious or comatose. Remember that Nembutal has been used to euthanize animals and even people. An overdose of Nembutal would have the same effects as the dose used for euthanasia.
When individuals mix central nervous system depressant drugs like barbiturates and benzodiazepines or barbiturates like Nembutal with alcohol, they are enhancing the suppressing effects of these drugs on the central nervous system. This makes overdose far more likely; hence, combining central nervous system depressant drugs is extremely dangerous.
Nembutal Withdrawal and Detox
The withdrawal syndrome from drugs like Nembutal can be very dangerous due to the potential development of dangerous symptoms. It consists of severe confusion, hallucinations (most often, visual), tremors, and the potential for seizures. The seizures that can occur as a result of barbiturate withdrawal can be fatal.
Individuals who have chronically misused Nembutal will need to be monitored by a physician and placed on a physician-assisted withdrawal management protocol. This typically involves the administration of a longer-acting barbiturate or benzodiazepine in a dose sufficient enough to control any withdrawal symptoms, and then slowly tapering down the dose periodically to allow the person to slowly become accustomed to functioning on lower doses of the drug without experiencing significant withdrawal symptoms. Eventually, once the dose is small enough, Nembutal can be totally discontinued.
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